Welcome tO Scouting America's Cub Scout Mustang Pack 73
Pack meetings are the second Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm
Pack meetings are the second Tuesday of every month at 6:00pm
Click the link below to start your registration for the Memorial Exchange Club SA Cub Scout Pack 73!
Note: Pack Activity Fees are additional to what you will pay to the council during online registration.
Pack 73 is excited to be kicking off the 23'-24' scouting season with their first meeting of the new year September 12.
Meeting Location
Ashford United Methodist Church2201 S Dairy Ashford Rd, Houston, TX 77077
Stay up to date with our upcoming events and activities. From service projects to social gatherings, there's always something happening in Pack 73.
We offer both, closed events for our members, and open events for the public.
Safety is not only something we preach, but a practice that we instill in our scouts with each activity.
Please download and bring this form for all participants to our scouting events outside regular Den and Pack Meetings.
The Sam Houston Area Council serves approximately 25,000 youth in 16 counties in Southeast Texas through dedicated service and leadership of its adult volunteers. Scouting is completely funded by the generosity of those that believe in its mission.
Scouting America is one of the largest scouting youth organizations in the United States, with about 762,000 youth participants. SA was founded in 1910, and since then, about 110 million Americans have participated in SA programs.